Book list from Source-1
* Essentials of Indian Philosophy
- M. Hiriyanna
* Introduction to Indian Philosophy - C.D. Sharma
* The Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell's
book published by Oxford University Press.
* Philosophy of Religion - Galloway
* A History of Philosophy - Frank Thilly
* Modernization of Indian Tradition - Yogendra Singh
* Religious Philosophy - Y. Masih
* Social change in Modern
India - M.N. Srinivas
* A Critical History of Modern Philosophy - Y. Masih
Book list from Source-2
Section- A Problem of Philosophy
1. Dr. C.D. Sharma (Indian Philosophy)
2. Dr. Deo Raj (Indian
3. Dr. Ya Mashiha (Western Philosophy)
4. Dr. Daya Krishna (Western Philosophy)
5. Dr.
Franckena Thilly (Western Philosophy)
6. Dr. B.K. Lal (Contemporary Western Philosophy)
Section- B Logic
1. Dr.
Irvin M. Copi 2. Ashok Verma (Symbolic logic)
Section- C Ethics
1. Dr. Divakar Pathak (Indian Ethic)
2. Dr.
Dr. V.P. Verma (Western Ethic)
3. Dr. B.N. Singh (Ethics)
4. Lilly (Ethics)
Section- A Western Philosophy
1. By Franckena
2. Dr. C.D. Sharma
3. Dr. Dayakrishna
4. Dr.
Ya Mashiha
5. Dr. B.K. Lal 6. Dr. Lakshmi Saxena
Section- B Indian Philosophy
1. Dr.
C.D. Sharma
2. Dr. Deo Raj
3. Dr. Hiriyanna
4. Dr. Radha Krishnan
Section- C Socio
Political Philosophy
1. Dr.
J.P. Sood Vol IV 2.Dr. Shiv Bhanu Singh
3. Dr. Gauba
Sec. B Philosophy of Religion
1. Dr.
Ya Mashiha
2. John Hick
3. Dr. V.P. Verma
Specific Books —Six ways of knowing by
D.M. Datta.