* Modern Algebra - A. R. Vashisth * Algebra - J. N. Sharma and S. N. Goyal * Linear Algebra
- Schaum Series (Lipshutz) or Sharma and Vashisth * Matrices - Schaum Series (Frank Ayres) or Vashisth * Calculus
- I. A. Menon * Coordinate Geometry - R. L. Soni * Differential Calculus - Gorakh Prasad * Analytical Solid Geometry
- Shanti Narayanan * Text Book of Coordinate Geometry - Rai Ballabh * Mechanism - D. S. Mathur * Statistical Mechanism
- Carson Horg . . * Solid Mechanism - Kazmioo * Mathematics Dictionary - James * Differential Equations - Schaum
Series (Frank Ayres) or N.M. Kapur or Raisinghania * Numerical Analysis - S.S. Sastry * Complex Analysis - Schaum
Series or J.N. Sharma * Operations Research - Kanti Swaroop or Manmohan